Monthly Archives: January, 2012

Results of SOPA

Just thought I show throw this out on the internet to my readers. Did you realize that if SOPA gets passed, this blog gets shut down? And your blog gets shut down? And wordpress gets shut down? And wikipedia gets shut down? And facebook gets shut down? Youtube? And pretty much everything else where you can …

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New page: My ideas

I began a new page. It’s called My Classroom Design. See, I’m horrible at keeping track of lists. Just horrible. But I’m getting a lot of ideas I want to keep track of during J-term. So instead of having a notebook or something where I keep track of everything I think of to try in …

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Why I don’t care about the children.

I should be writing yet, I was watching an Obama ad (I know. Imagine that. I had to figure out what promises he’s kept.)  and he made the comment about that we can look back and see that we made our country/planet cleaner for a children. I hate the children tagline. We hear it all …

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“I’m more important!”

I’m on the computer, trying to edit. My sister is in the same room as me, playing Mario Kart. She is then given me recaps and comments about her game, like I am sitting here just watching her play. Me: Elle, why don’t you tell Reuben about your game? I’m sure he wants to hear. …

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12 goals for 2012

These aren’t New Year resolutions.  don’t really do those. These are just things that I hope will happen to me in the next year / I need to improve on. 1) Get better about having quiet times consistently, even at home. 2) Become an RA. SO WANT THIS!!!!! 3) Become editor of the school newspaper. …

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